Nonprofits receive grants for training for disabled

TRENTON – New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Commissioner Charles A. Richman announced on Jan. 26 that two New Jersey nonprofits received $258,327 in grants through the Athletics for Individuals with Disabilities program.

Athletics for Individuals with Disabilities grants are designed to increase the availability of sports training and athletic competition for individuals with disabilities living in New Jersey. The program is administered by DCA’s Office of Community Resources.

“Both of these grants demonstrate the Christie Administration’s continued support of events surrounding athletic training, competition and access for athletes with disabilities,” said Commissioner Richman.

A $238,327 grant will go to Special Olympics New Jersey, Inc. (SONJ) for athletic training and competition in 24 sports for up to 25,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities. SONJ provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

The Wheelchair Sports Council of New Jersey will receive $20,000 to provide resources and opportunities for training, competition and development of athletic and social skills for at least 75 wheelchair athletes. The funds also will be used to establish new programs for junior and adult athletes.

The Division of Housing and Community Resources strengthens and revitalizes communities through the delivery of affordable housing, supportive services and the provision of financial and technical assistance to communities, local government and community-based organizations. The Office of Community Services distributes federal funds to community agencies that help income-eligible households with health, education, employment, and housing needs. It also oversees the Office of Recreation, which certifies professionals, and provides technical assistance on recreation.

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