Workshop to address expungement of criminal records

Individuals with juvenile or adult criminal records are invited to attend a program that will outline the proper way to have those records permanently removed from court and law enforcement files.

The Reentry Workshop will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 8 in the Middlesex County Freeholders Meeting Room on the first floor of the Middlesex County Administration Building, 75 Bayard St., New Brunswick.

For those individuals who are found ineligible to qualify for an expungement, the workshop will guide them through the legal barriers they may face during the employment process. The workshop is free and open to members of the public.

During the session, a representative from the New Jersey Reentry Cooperation will lead a discussion geared to those individuals who need guidance for employment and training solutions and address obstacles such as restoration of a driver’s license or public benefits.

A portion of the workshop will include information about the Middlesex County One-Stop Career Center and the requirements needed to receive its services, types of reentry-friendly Individual Training Accounts and available employment connections.

The event is being sponsored by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Middlesex Vicinage, Middlesex County Bar Association, Legal Services of New Jersey, New Jersey Reentry Corporation and the Middlesex County Office of Workforce Development.

To attend, contact Reginald Johnson at [email protected] or call 732-745-8430.