South Brunswick Police Department promotes five officers

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A crowd of nearly a 100 watched when the South Brunswick Police Department (SBPD) promoted five officers to the rank of captain, lieutenant and sergeant.

Promoted to captain on Feb. 2 was Christopher Giampietro. He was hired by the SBPD in 1990. He has served as a patrolman, a detective in the Narcotics and Detective Bureau, and as a sergeant and lieutenant in the Support Services Bureau.

Giampietro served as the agency’s accreditation manager since 2012.

During his career he was assigned to the Middlesex County Narcotics Task Force and the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Sex Crimes/Child Abuse Unit.

He holds an associate’s degree in criminal justice and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps.

Promoted to lieutenant was Laszlo Nyitrai. He is a 20-year veteran of the SBPD. He has served in both the Patrol Division and the Traffic Services Bureau. For the last four years, Nyitrai has been assigned as a patrol supervisor. In patrol he served as an evidence technician and a field training officer.

Nyitrai holds a master’s degree in criminal justice from New Jersey City University. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University. He is also a graduate of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs Police Command and Leadership Academy.

During his career, Nyitrai has received several awards and medals for exceptional service and firearms proficiency.

He has previously served as a grant writer for the department, securing funds to hire three officers in 2002.

In 2001, he was one of several officers sent by the SPBD to New York City in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Also promoted to the rank of lieutenant was Ronald Seaman. He is a 17-year veteran of the department. He has served in both the Patrol Division and the Detective Bureau. Prior to serving as a detective sergeant, he served as a patrol sergeant for more than three years.

He previously served as a detective, field training sergeant, physical fitness officer and evidence technician supervisor. He was previously assigned to the FBI Cyber Crimes Task Force.

Seaman holds a master’s degree from Seton Hall University and a bachelor’s degree from Kean University. He is a graduate of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership Academy as well as the Executive Institute.

During his career, he has received more than two dozen awards for exceptional service for his investigative and patrol efforts as well as marksmanship and physical fitness awards.

Promoted to sergeant was Jay Jairdullo. He is a 17-year veteran of the SBPD. Prior to being promoted he served in the roles of patrolman and school resource officer (SRO), as well as an instructor in firearms and physical training.

Jairdullo holds a Master of Science degree from California University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree from Westchester University.

Promoted to sergeant was Michael Pellino. He is a 16-year veteran of the SBPD. He has served in the Patrol Division for 10 years and the Detective Bureau for the past six years. He has served as a field training officer, evidence technician and field training detective.

He has received numerous awards and letters of commendation including a Lifesaving Medal and a Mothers Against Drunk Driving Award.

Pellino holds a bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University and is completing his master’s degree at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

“These promotions are the culmination of years of hard work and study,” Police Chief Raymond Hayducka said. “On top of their collective 96 years of experience, they had to go through a rigorous testing process. The process required them to demonstrate the knowledge and leadership required to move forward in our agency. The officers promoted today represent some of the best of our department. I know they are all up to the challenges ahead.”