Carnevale celebration and bus trip slated

The Italian American Association of Monmouth County will celebrate Carnevale from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. on Feb. 26 at The Reception Center at St. Clement, Route 79, Matawan.

The cost is $20 for children ages 4-10; $40 for adults. Carnevale is the Italian Mardi Gras Festival which is celebrated for days leading up to “Fat Tuesday” with traditional foods, masquerade, dance and a parade, before the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of fasting. The price for the family celebration will include a buffet luncheon consisting of traditional Carnevale foods, (a cash bar is also available), face painting, balloon art, characters and a puppet show for children, singing and traditional Italian music and dancing, (audience participation is welcome).

In keeping with the tradition, costumes are encouraged, however, it is optional. Masks will be distributed to adults while the children will make their own. There will also be an auction table and a 50-50 drawing.

Please RSVP by Feb. 20. For questions, contact Cheryl at 732-536-5832 or download a flier at

The IAA of Monmouth County also announces a trip has been planned to visit Arthur Avenue, (Little Italy in the Bronx). All members and their immediate families are invited to attend. Bus transportation will be provided. Meet at the iPlay America Parking Lot, 110 Schanck Rd., Freehold, at 9 a.m. on April 8. Departure will be at 9 a.m.; approximate return will be at 5 p.m. The cost is $30 for adults and children.

Please RSVP by March 20. For questions, call Cheryl Scuorzo at 732-536-5832 or download a flier at