Congress must act to protect Medicare

It is hard to believe our nation celebrated Medicare’s 50th anniversary just over a year ago, yet there is now a move in Congress to drastically change the program that has achieved so much.

Do not be fooled: The push for a Medicare voucher system, sometimes called premium support, is an effort to shift costs onto 1.3 million individuals in Medicare in New Jersey, a number that is rising fast.

In other words, you will have to pay more to get the care you need – if you can even afford it under a voucher system. More people will be forced to choose between healthcare and other necessities. Getting sick will become riskier than ever.

When he was running for president, Donald Trump pledged to protect Medicare and recognized its importance to older Americans who depend on it. We are now depending on Congress to stand by President Trump’s promise to protect Medicare.

Rising healthcare costs are a problem for Americans of all ages and political views. It needs to be tackled by both parties, but responsibly. Our nation has been well served by a strong Medicare program that keeps care affordable for seniors. A proposed voucher system would dramatically increase costs for older Americans at a time of life when they can least afford it.

Jeff Abramo
Director of Communications and Engagement
AARP New Jersey