Zoning ordinance expected to be introduced in Manalapan

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

MANALAPAN – An ordinance that would permit residential and commercial uses on a 130-acre property at the corner of Route 33 and Millhurst Road is expected to be introduced at the Feb. 22 meeting of the Manalapan Township Committee.

Following its introduction by the governing body, the ordinance is expected to be reviewed by the Planning Board on Feb. 23, according to Township Attorney Roger McLaughlin.

McLaughlin said the ordinance will be the subject of a public hearing and possible vote for adoption at the March 8 meeting of the Township Committee,

The adoption of the ordinance would make residential and commercial uses permitted uses in Manalapan’s Village Commercial (VC) zone at Route 33 and Millhurst Road. At present, only commercial uses are permitted in the VC zone.

McLaughlin has previously said that in conjunction with the possible adoption of the mixed use overlay zone ordinance, developer Vito Cardinale is expected to propose the construction of market rate age-restricted (55 and over) single-family homes on small lots; 50 to 70 units of affordable housing for individuals with special needs; and commercial development along Route 33 and Millhurst Road.