Will ‘This Is Us’ jump the shark?

Question: Do you think that maybe “This Is Us” is suffering some from getting so popular so fast that the stories are beginning to suffer? There are just so many examples of holes in the stories. Could it be it doesn’t seem to bother the writers, because they seem on a mission to either make every episode sappier than the last or create a new “shock” surprise we didn’t see coming. I love Jack, but he has been pushed as so perfect that my eyes are starting to roll back in my head at some of his story. What you may call nuanced I might call forced. Can they really keep up a “shock” surprise every episode for the next two and half seasons? — Teresa

Matt Roush: There’s no doubt “This Is Us” works overtime to pull the heartstrings, and no one pretends it isn’t manipulating our emotions shamelessly — though awfully effectively. You’d have to be more specific on what “holes” you’re talking about, because the way the show is structured means we’re not getting all the information about all of these characters until the context is filled in, often with a pertinent flashback (the meat of the series). But if you object to its sappiness and your eyes are rolling instead of tearing up, then maybe this isn’t the show for you. I appreciate the fact that it can surprise us with reveals like William’s romantic life, but I don’t see that sort of twist as driving the show.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com