Talks on education, prisoner visitation, native plants slated in Lincroft

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County (UUCMC) will hold the Sunday Morning Dialog series at 9 a.m. March 12 in the Community Room at 1475 W. Front St., Lincroft.

The free, hour-long program offers an opportunity to cover a broad range of topics each Sunday.

On March 12, “Teacher, Heal Thyself: The Case for Conscious Education” will be presented by Jeri Quirk, Ph.D., who will discuss her research showing how currently accepted approaches to education contribute to dysfunctional issues for the individual and society. She will explain how a conscious transformation of the present system leads to significant growth in academic and social/emotional learning and promotes social justice, conflict resolution, relationships and community building.

On March 19, “My Impressions of Visiting Prisoners through Prisoners Visitation Support” will be presented by Rena Amada. Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS) is a volunteer visitation program to federal and military prisoners throughout the United States. Volunteers provide prisoners with regular, face-to-face contact from the world outside of prison to help them cope with prison life and prepare for a successful re-entry into society. Amada will share some of her experiences working as a PVS volunteer.

On March 26, “Going Native: A Guide to Landscaping with Native Plants” will be presented by Kim Rowe and Mary Judge of the Jersey Shore Chapter of the Native Plant Society. See the beauty and functionality of using plant material that is native to the region. Discover the relationship between native plants and the birds and insects which rely on them. A short tutorial on using the website will be given if time permits.

Speakers are also sought. If interested, contact UUCMC at 732-747-0707.