Frank Wojciechowski

Holmdel rethinks plan for soccer fields

Last month, the Holmdel Township Committee voted to repeal the ordinance they passed last September to bond $3.3 million for new synthetic turf fields and other amenities at Cross Farm Park.

In the same evening, they voted to form an ad hoc committee to determine the recreation needs for all Holmdel residents and devise a five-year plan to meet those needs. This committee, according to Deputy Mayor Pat Impreveduto, will consist of people with interests in all sports (not just soccer and lacrosse), as well as representatives from the arts and empty nesters.

Members of Preserve Holmdel, Citizens for Informed Land Use (CILU) and Save Holmdel Village (SHV), as well as the hundreds of people who signed a petition against these fields, are thrilled that the Township Committee decided to seek input from a more representative sample of Holmdel residents before spending millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

Formation of a balanced and all-inclusive ad hoc committee will ensure that more of Holmdel taxpayers’ opinions are heard. We look forward to helping design a plan that meets the recreation needs of the soccer/lacrosse players as well as others in town with differing recreation interests while trying to keep costs as reasonable as possible for all Holmdel residents.

Regina Criscione
Citizens for Informed Land Use