Staff Writer
EDISON — A security guard at Menlo Park Mall was injured when a suspected shoplifter allegedly attempted to run her over after she gave chase.
Police charged Kristin Marie Breen, 22, Branchburg, with armed robbery and aggravated assault at her home at 7 p.m. on Dec. 26 after she allegedly attempted to run over a security guard with her car in the Menlo Park Mall earlier that morning.
Police spokesman Patrolman Robert Dudash Jr. said Breen was allegedly observed shoplifting at Nordstrom department store by a female security guard who chased her out of the store and into the parking lot when Breen attempted to flee.
The security guard and Breen scuffled as Breen attempted to get into her car, a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Sometime between the scuffle and Breen driving away, the security guard was able to grab a bag which contained Breen’s purse and a bag of stolen merchandise with approximately $550 worth of clothing, Dudash said.
Items in the purse identified Breen. Edison police notified Branchburg police who then made the arrest.
Dudash said the security guard suffered injuries when she was struck by an open car door as Breen backed the car into her.
Breen was taken to the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center, North Brunswick, where she was held in lieu of $10,000 bail.