Eric Sucar

We need to invest in America, not target the Middle East

All Americans should oppose our military attacks against Syria. They have never threatened or invaded our country. The Syrian government has been fighting ISIS and other terrorist groups.
American intervention encourages terrorist attacks against our country. Currently, atrocities are occuring in warring African nations where women and children are being raped and slaughtered. If we are to assume the role of the world’s policeman, should we not invade them also? To be consistent there is a long list of countries where horrendous human rights violations are the norm. We already have paid the price in Iraq with the loss of human life and wasted billions of dollars. The supposed reason for that war was the threat
from weapons of mass destruction, which never existed. Can we now trust the Trump administration for the truth?
We cannot and should not remake the Middle East. Our priorities are solving our own problems and investing in America.
Fred Stein
South Brunswick