Holiday Express celebrates milestone of giving

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS – To honor and give thanks to its army of volunteers who donate hours of their time throughout the year to help others, the non-profit organization Holiday Express held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Night.

“In honor of National Volunteer week, the Volunteer Appreciation event is a small thank you to the legion of volunteers who donate their time and talents to Holiday Express each season,” Krista Newbert, Holiday Express’s public relations director, said.

During the event, more than 100 volunteers enjoyed wine, beer, fruit, vegetables and cheese platters and desserts on April 27 at the Holiday Express warehouse located at 968 Shrewsbury Ave.

Established by founder Tim McLoone in 1993, Holiday Express is a non-profit organization. Comprised of 2,000 volunteers, including 150 professional rock, jazz, folk, gospel and pop musicians. Holiday Express delivers music, food, gifts, financial support and friendship to those with the greatest need for the gift of human kindness during the holiday season and throughout the year, according to Newbert.

The group was formed by McLoone as a way to help people, coupled with his love of music.

This year the organization is celebrating its 25th anniversary by visiting 100 locations  in 49 days, according to Newbert.

“It’s a remarkable achievement considering that [McLoone] started the organization in 1993 to help those in need and to help those who had been forgotten. It’s truly amazing. This year the [organization] will be hosting 100 charitable events and will serve about 2,700 individuals,” Lorrie Klaric, Holiday Express executive director, said.

About 2,500 volunteers contribute 27,000 volunteer hours to make Holiday Express possible, according to Newbert.

“What we do here could not be done without the help and support of our volunteers. We have about 2,500 volunteers that help us throughout the year, some help out at our events, while others help us at our warehouse. We only have five staff members here at Holiday Express so we would not be able to do everything that we do without the commitment of our volunteers,” Klaric said.

For information on Holiday Express or to volunteer visit or call 732-544-8010.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].