South Brunswick assistant superintendent looks forward to retirement

By Jennifer Amato
Staff Writer
SOUTH BRUNSWICK – An esteemed administrator in the South Brunswick School District will be retiring after more than 25 years of service to the community.
Joanne Kerekes announced her retirement as assistant superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, after a career that spanned more than 40 years in public education, during a school board meeting on May 8. Her resignation is effective July 1.
Kerekes had previously announced her retirement during the 2015-16 school year, but later rescinded her decision and stayed for another year.
“Upon my return to the district in spring 2016, I knew that the to-do list was a hefty one and I was committed to seeing it through. I originally thought I would be done by mid-year, but the list got larger instead of smaller and with many changes and new administrators in the district, the time just melted away and I now find myself in the homestretch of yet another school year,” she said. “All this being said, I feel a true sense of accomplishment, a deep sense of pride in a job well done, and an assuredness that my time to leave has finally, and truly, come.”
Kerekes received her bachelor’s degree from Rider University and her Master’s in Education from Rutgers University. She came to South Brunswick in November 1990 because she was asked to join the district as a staff developer. She had worked in the East Windsor School District for 14 years as a teacher, unit leader and project specialist.
Besides staff developer, Kerekes has also held the positions of elementary, upper elementary and middle school principal, and then most recently assistant superintendent, which she began 13 years ago.

“I have a number of professional opportunities I would like to explore, and I have some personal obligations I want to meet,” Kerekes said of her time during retirement. “I also look forward to some time to decompress and simply be,’ something I have not quite ever done before. Leaving the South Brunswick School District will afford me with the time I need to do all these things, and more.

“I leave South Brunswick with a full heart and a calm mind. The district will be in the excellent hands of [incoming Superintendent] Mr. Scott Feder, a colleague and friend of mine for many years.”
The position of assistant superintendent has yet to be filled.


Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].