Five Red Bank High students hold art show May 19-22


Five seniors at Red Bank Regional High School will serve as the hosts to an art show that will be on display from May 19 through May 22.

The students, who are members of the school’s photography program, are  Paige Whittle, Karlee Chimento, Juliet Slattery, Jordin O’Hara, and Kaitryn Flynn.

The senior art show will be held at the Canvas Art Studio in Rumson, which is located at 126 East River Road. There is a welcome reception, which is open to the public, that is scheduled to be held on May 18 from 5:30 p.m. and will run until 8 p.m.

Dawn Lisko, who is the photography teacher at Red Bank High, raved about the event and the talents that the students possess.

“Each fourth-year student created images to promote a cohesive unified body of work,” Lisko said. “They each explored topics of interests; such as feminism, social issues, and gender equality.”