Old Bridge school shows it has ‘character’

OLD BRIDGE – Jonas Salk Middle School received national recognition this week by being named a National School of Character.

Character.org, a non-profit group that supports the advancement of character development in schools, communities and workplaces globally, will honor the sixth- to eighth-grade school at its 24th National Forum on Character Education Oct. 20-21 in Arlington, Virginia.

Two years ago, Old Bridge Township Public Schools was named one of three National Districts of Character in the United States by Character.org, which selects schools and districts that demonstrate that their focus on character development has had a positive impact on academic achievement, student behavior and school climate, according to information provided by the school district. Selected schools are then expected to serve as models for other schools, helping them to achieve the same results.

Schools and districts selected in January as state Schools of Character, along with those schools who reapplied in their three-year designation, were forwarded to Character.org for consideration for national recognition as National Schools of Character.

Selection is based on Character.org’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education, a framework to assist schools in providing students with opportunities for moral action, fostering shared leadership and engaging families and communities as partners in the character-building effort.

Through an in-depth and rigorous evaluation process, Jonas Salk Middle School was among the 83 schools and four districts from 21 states named 2017 National Schools and Districts of Character, according to the statement.

Principal William Rezes said he was very excited for the staff and students after learning that Jonas Salk Middle School was the recipient of a national honor.

“This national recognition of our school is an affirmation of the impact that they have on our school community and the value this district places on character education,” Rezes said in the statement.