Old Bridge politicians need to act on pipeline

After two Township Council meetings, constituent calls to the council president and mayor of Old Bridge, more than 1,000 concerned residents and Middlesex County signing up to intervene with FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) entrusted with regulating the proposed Williams Transco fracked natural gas pipeline, township officials have yet to take action in opposing this dangerous project that would traverse through Old Bridge communities.

The only action Old Bridge Township’s leadership took was in placing Williams propaganda pieces on the township website.

Why haven’t your elected officials taken action in opposing this 26-inch diameter pipeline, which can usually lower property values, and carries fracked methane gas through your backyards and adjacent to a school and place of worship. The damage this fracked gas pipeline can do to the environment and safety of our communities outweighs any minute benefit this gas will have for New Yorkers, where it’s final destination lies.

There is an upcoming primary election June 6. Don’t let your elected officials stay silent on this issue. Call Mayor Owen Henry and Council President Brian Cahill and demand they take action by passing a resolution now.

Junior Romero
Food & Water Watch
Central New Jersey