South Brunswick officers contribute to record-breaking Special Olympics Torch Run

SOUTH BRUNSWICK –  A total of 22 police officers from the South Brunswick Police Department helped raise $10,000 for the N.J. Special Olympics.

“It was a record-breaking year for the run,” Police Chief Raymond Hayducka said of the June 9 event that involved participants from across the state. “The run was a huge success, with the most amount of money raised and the largest number of officers running. Most towns participate in one run; our officers did three different runs in the township. The event highlights the strength of our relationships with the schools and businesses in the township.

The officers ran at 6 a.m. on Route 130, then at noon on Ridge Road, and at 4 p.m. on Route 27 for a total of 17 miles. At the high school and middle school, officers parred up with students who are Special Olympic athletes to run around the track, according to information provided by the department.

“I want to thank all those who made the day successful. We make a difference as a police department because we have such strong partners. The Torch Run is just one example,” Hayducka said.

The officers had residents and local businesses sponsor them. In addition, students and staff at the schools purchased special t-shirts to show support for the run.