Rebecca Nowalski

On Campus

Lorina C. Murphy of South River graduated from Western New England University, Springfield, Massachusetts, with a Juris Doctor on May 21.


Elizabeth Hager of Monroe received a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Earth Science from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, on May 13.


Evan Anouna of East Brunswick has been named to the dean’s list at Morrisville State College, Morrisville, New York, for the Spring 2017 semester.

To be named to the dean’s list, a student must achieve an average of 3.0 to 3.99 for the semester and complete 12 credit hours.


Joshua Wood of Monroe has been named to the dean’s list at Morrisville State College, Morrisville, New York, for the Spring 2017 semester.

To be named to the dean’s list, a student must achieve an average of 3.0 to 3.99 for the semester and complete 12 credit hours.


The following local students have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, for the Spring 2017 semester:
From East Brunswick: Lauren E. Ortado and Gabrielle Sachs.
From Monroe: Megan Suzanne O’Connell.

To be included on the dean’s list, full-time students must have completed 12 or more credits for letter grades during a semester and achieved at least a 3.30 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 or more credits for letter grades earning at least a 3.30 quality point average.

Sucharitha Bose of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received a Master of Physician Assistant degree in physician assistant studies on May 21.

Victoria Bandera of East Brunswick has been named to the dean’s list at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, for the Spring 2017 semester.

Bandera is majoring in Kin:Exercise Science.

The following local students graduated from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on May 22:


Benjamin Weinfeld of East Brunswick received a Bachelor of Science in computer science.

Ian Haney of Monroe received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.

Luke Genthe of Spotswood received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.