Monroe DPW receives grants for roadside cleanup, equipment maintenance

MONROE – Officials from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) awarded an approximately $89,000 Clean Communities Grant to Monroe Township’s Department of Public Works (DPW).

“This is a great example of our township making an effort to offset operational costs while expanding our services,” Monroe Mayor Gerald W. Tamburro said in a prepared statement. “As one of our more reliable grant programs, this has helped us both continue and even build upon our clean community through beatification and litter removal here in the township.”

Within the next year, Monroe plans to use the newly acquired funds for municipal roadside cleanup grants, maintenance on machinery, education and special projects, according to the statement.

“We’re also considering using some of the grant money toward a town-wide cleanup,” said Wayne Horbatt, DPW director. “Traditionally, we offer mini grants to organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other service groups that volunteer for roadside and stream cleanups. These groups have collected hundreds of pounds of garbage and debris over the years.”

For more information on Clean Communities projects or to apply for a cleanup grant, contact Monroe’s DPW at 732-656-4575.