Jackson school registration dates planned

JACKSON – The Jackson School District has scheduled a series of evening appointments for parents who need to register their children in the school district for the 2017-18 school year.

Evening registration will be held on Aug. 2 and Aug. 16 from 4-7 p.m. in the Administration Building, 151 Don Connor Blvd., Jackson.

Spanish translators will be available during these evening registration sessions which will be held on a first come, first served basis. No appointment is necessary, according to a press release.

The district is encouraging parents who need to register children for the upcoming school year to make an appointment as soon as possible and before Aug. 17.

“We want to be as prepared as possible for the coming school year and that means making sure we register students as early as possible,” Assistant Superintendent of Schools Nicole Pormilli said.

“We have multiple staff members who work diligently all summer to accommodate our registrations, but if we have a flood of requests at the end of the summer, it is a challenge,” Pormilli said.

Parents and guardians who wish to register new students are asked to call to make an appointment as soon as they know they need to register their child to attend the Jackson School District, and at least before Aug. 17, according to the press release.

If a parent does not call for the appointment before Aug. 17, the district cannot guarantee the student will be able to attend on the first day of school.

All parents and guardians must call the district registrar at 732-833-4661 to make an appointment for a daytime appointment.

Appointments are not necessary for the evening sessions.

Registration forms and requirements are available on the district website. Select the “For Parents and Students” tab and then the “Registering Your Child” link.