Artists create 3D artwork for display at South Amboy gallery

SOUTH AMBOY – The Sadie Pope Dowdell Library is displaying 3D artwork from local artists at the Broadway Gallery for the remainder of the summer as part of the “Art through Technology” art competition.

Library Director Eileen Gaber said the library put the competition together in order to support South Amboy’s new art district by encouraging patrons to create innovative art with their 3D printer and 3D pens. The competition/exhibition was free of charge to participants.

The artists were asked to choose from three categories of waterfront, pets or floral subjects on which to base their work. Gaber said there are 50 pieces displayed ranging from sailboats to dogs.

“I loved the idea We feel very strongly about spreading this idea as a lifelong learning opportunity,” Gaber said. “No matter what the age the person is, they have the opportunity to learn something new.”

Artists worked on their pieces from January through June, and the artwork is on display for the public through Aug. 30. Pieces may be viewed Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6-8 p.m. and on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

There are three age groups for the competition: children ages 8-10, young adults ages 11-17 and adults 18 and older. Members of the public may vote for one art piece per age group and will also be able to vote for best in show. A gift card will be presented to the artists with the most votes at the end of the exhibition.

“We decided to put this art competition together to combine art and technology,” Gaber said. “There were more children that participated than adults and hopefully in the future we can encourage more adults to participate. We want to make it age-friendly.”

The gallery is located at 141 North Broadway.

For more information, visit, email [email protected] or call 721-721-6060.