Resident takes issue with officials’ response

I applaud the thoughtful and provocative Letter in the July 19th Sentinel by Peter Parello.

In particular, I concur with his critical remarks regarding Mayor Peter Cammarano (who should focus more on traffic and quality of life). I agree and give him low grades.

In my numerous email complaints to the Mayor, I have found him to be unresponsive, evasive and ineffective.

For instance: 1. The chronic road hazard/manhole cover on Amboy Avenue at Eggert Avenue, he initially said that the Borough would not fix it, it’s the County’s responsibility. When confronted with the facts that it was a Borough sewer cover that it had “poorly” repaired once before, he reversed himself and grudgingly had the work done. 2. The chronic non-enforcement of the Borough’s big truck restriction on Eggert, the Mayor said he’d look into. When pressed after his non-response, he tried to explain it away by saying that it was due to a Gas company project. When confronted with the facts, the number and identities of non-project violators, he did not respond. Equally culpable in this regard is Police Chief Irizarry and his predecessors, who were all supplied with the specifics and have apparently chosen to selectively non-enforce this aspect of Borough law. To me, they together, have been derelict in their sworn obligations and have defrauded Borough citizens by paying lip service to traffic enforcement.

I frankly don’t expect this letter to make a difference, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t sound off on the irresponsible and improper non-performance of these officials.

R.G. Douglas, Metuchen