Woodbridge Academy graduate wins award

Wamia Siddiqui, of Edison and a Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences High School graduate, was awarded a National Merit Guardian Life Scholarship.

The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America provides Merit Scholarship awards to the children of employees as part of its commitment to higher education.

Wamia is seeking a career in public health.

By the conclusion of the 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program, more than 7,500 National Merit Scholarships, worth more than $32 million, will have been offered to distinguished high school seniors for college undergraduate study.

Approximately 1,000 of the awards are financed by about 200 companies, foundations and other business organizations for National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists who are children of their employees, residents of communities the company serves or have plans to pursue majors or careers the grantor wishes to encourage.

Winners are the candidates judged to have the strongest combination of academic skills and achievements, extracurricular accomplishments and potential for success in rigorous college studies.

For more information visit www.nationalmerit.org.