
Milltown begins process toward sustainable future

MILLTOWN — The borough is in the process of applying for its Sustainable New Jersey certification.

The Borough Council approved a resolution appointing members to the Green Team Committee, who will work on the certification, at a meeting on July 17.

The members include Councilwoman Doriann Kerber, Alan Godber, Dawn Milburn, Michael Shakarjian and Joseph Butrica.

Kerber said the borough applied for the certification on June 4 and will work toward garnering 150 points for the bronze level certification.

Butrica said right now there are 445 municipalities across the state participating in the certification process. He said 198 municipalities are already certified.

“It’s a very intensive project, but it’s definitely important to the community,” he said. “Sustainable New Jersey is a non-profit organization providing tools, training and financial incentives as [municipalities] pursue sustainability programs.”

Butrica said the organization supports community efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental equity.

“Sustainable New Jersey is empowering our community to build a better world for the future of Milltown,” he said.

Butrica said not many would contest the benefits of clean air, fresh water, waterways filled with fish, garbage in its proper place, clean energy options, parks and open space and a healthy Milltown to work and live.

“This program provides the framework,” he said. “Sustainable New Jersey [help towns] implement practices that leads to cost savings in energy, water and garbage costs. This program helps communities improve and stimulate efficiency and cut waste.”

Butrica said by participating in the Sustainable New Jersey certification process, Milltown would receive notifications of available incentives and grants and would be eligible for Sustainable New Jersey small grant programs. He noted that the organization has $1.9 million available in grant funds.

“Members of the Green Team have chosen several actions in the Sustainability program to achieve our complete application,” he said. “In the coming months, the Green Team and members of the community will be working hard to get Milltown certified.”

Green Team member Alan Godber noted that Milltown started a green initiative in 2008 before Sustainable New Jersey existed. He said back then the borough received a $40,000 grant, and Green Team members focused on energy in all the public buildings.

Godber said many changes were made inside the buildings that came from recommendations from a 200-page report, which was created utilizing grant funds.

He said since then, Green Team members worked on creating safe routes to school, conducted an outdoor lighting study and examined light fixtures.

Contact Kathy Chang at [email protected].