North Brunswick officers will increase pedestrian safety awareness

NORTH BRUNSWICK – The North Brunswick Police Department has received a $15,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Highway Traffic Safety to conduct pedestrian safety activities through next year.

There will be an effort to improve high-risk pedestrian intersections as much as possible with enhanced crosswalk markings and signage, according to a joint statement issued by Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack and Police Director Kenneth McCormick.

Public roadways and shopping center parking lots will be monitored. Motorists who commit violations that put pedestrians at risk will be targeted for summonses, according to the statement. Pedestrians whose own actions put them at risk may also be issued summonses or warnings.

“Officers will be observing these areas for not only drivers who fail to yield for pedestrians in crosswalks but also distracted or unsafe drivers who pose safety concerns to residents,” Lt. Michael McGinn, Traffic Safety supervisor, said in the statement. “Officers will focus on heavily traveled roadways and intersections, but also give some attention to less-traveled streets within the township.

Officers will distribute informational pamphlets at each location.

In addition, Traffic Safety officers will conduct presentations for township senior citizens in November. This customized presentation will focus on mature drivers and pedestrian safety, according to the statement. Additional workshops will be offered in the spring.

“In addition to other safety campaigns, pedestrian crosswalk safety education and enforcement will be conducted for the increased safety of our pedestrians and drivers during the remainder of the summer weeks and through the upcoming holidays, beginning with Labor Day weekend and continuing into the New Year,” McCormick said.