Community gardeners support worship center’s food pantry

MARLBORO – Residents who are tending plots in the Marlboro Community Garden are donating produce to a food pantry operated by the Monmouth Worship Center in the township.

The community garden is comprised of 84 plots on a parcel that was set aside along Tennent Road in the Morganville section of the community in 2016.

This year, produce beyond what is needed by an individual gardener is being placed in a cooler at the garden and then collected and donated to the Monmouth Worship Center each Friday.

Master Gardeners Ellen Simonetti and Robert Mellert coordinate the donations and bring the food to the worship center.

Simonetti said they wanted to find a way gardeners could use all of the produce they grow, saying, “if you over-planted, don’t waste it, donate it.”

According to Simonetti, August was the peak harvest season for vegetables such as potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.

“We (donate) the most produce during August because people have already had their fill of the heavier vegetables,” she said. “At some points, I’m more thankful for the food bank then they are of me.”

The Monmouth Worship Center, 37 Vanderburg Road, in Marlboro Village, accepts donations of food from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each Friday.

Pastor Joe Hewes said, “It is great to partner with the Marlboro Community Garden as part of our food pantry outreach. The gardeners are very generous with their produce and we appreciate their efforts and donations.

“We serve 30 to 40 families twice each month and having fresh vegetables is a nice addition to our regular offerings. We want to be part of the community, not just a church in the community. This is a good way to do that,” he said.