Buck Stops with Mayor on Paving of Borough streets: Resident

I read with alarm the “Sentinel” account of Mayor Peter Cammarano’s remarks regarding the disjointed paving of Amboy Avenue and its side streets. The County only went curb-to-curb and left pitch/continuity irregularities with Borough side streets.

This paving project did not just happen overnight and there was likely plenty of advance notice to the Borough as to what was and was not going to be paved by the County.

Seems to me somebody was asleep at the switch and bears responsibility for this shameless result. Was it the Borough Administrator (she recently resigned for unknown reason) and/or was it the Mayor/Council who apparently neglected to monitor the matter.

As Truman said, “The Buck Stops Here,” as I believe it does with Mayor Cammarano.

I urge the Mayor to acknowledge his inept handling of this multi-million dollar loss to the Borough and resign.

RG Douglas