Woodbridge man arrested for child pornography

A network administrator for the Bernards Township Board of Education was charged with possession of child pornography, according to Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey

Brian Nielsen, 55, of Woodbridge, was arrested at his home on Sept. 28 after a search warrant was executed at his residence.

The investigation was led by Detectives Erik Larsen and Detective Joseph Chesseri, both of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office and assisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Woodbridge Police Department.

The investigation began after a tip was provided from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Nielsen was charged with possession of child pornography in the third degree. He has been employed at the Bernards Township Board of Education in Somerset County for more than 10 years.

Nielsen was being held at the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center in North Brunswick pending his initial court appearance.

The investigation is active and is continuing. Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Larsen at 732-745- 3263 or Detective Chesseri at 732-745-3287 of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office.