Association presents scholarships to area residents

The Freehold Branch of the American Association of University Women has presented the Lew Williams and Leila Sulkes scholarships to three local women.

Lesley Saunders is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English with a K-6 teaching certificate at Georgian Court University, Lakewood. She currently tutors children on the autism spectrum as well as those who have difficulties with English, according to a press release.

Jessica Grill is working on her master’s degree in biology at Miami University of Ohio. She is an assistant with the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Pinelands Institute for Natural and Environmental Studies. Jessica enjoys teaching children about the wonders of nature, according to the press release. She previously worked at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Amber Williams is studying for a master’s degree at Georgian Court University and will be teaching in the Howell School District next year. She currently holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts and an early childhood teaching certificate. Her desire is to make art an integral part of a child’s learning experience, according to the press release.

The AAUW members thanked area residents and visitors for their continued support of the organization’s annual book sale which funds the yearly scholarships.