Jackson council removes zoning board member, appoints alternates

JACKSON – The Jackson Township Council has removed a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for cause and appointed two new members to the panel.

On Oct. 10, council members voted unanimously to remove Anthony Marano from the board.

Marano was appointed to the zoning board in August. He was arrested in September and charged with aggravated assault, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

The resolution removing Marano from the board states, “the arrest and resulting charges unequivocally satisfy the standard of good cause for Mr. Marano’s removal from his position as a member” of the zoning board.

Following that action, council members voted unanimously to appoint Scott Najarian as the zoning board’s first alternate and Larry Schuster as the second alternate. Alexander Sauickie, who had been the second alternate, was named a regular member of the board, replacing Marano.

Councilman Barry Calogero said he sent council President Ken Bressi and the municipal attorney several suggestions “in order to assist in the screening of future zoning board candidates.”

Calogero suggested that residents seeking an appointment be asked if they have ever been convicted of a crime or if they have currently or previously filed for bankruptcy. He suggested applicants be asked if they have any municipal funds or judgements currently pending and if they can fairly and impartially vote for an application being presented.

Calogero recommended that a background check be performed on all future appointments to all municipal boards.

“It is incumbent upon the council to ensure we are making appointments only to those individuals with the utmost ethics and the best interests of all the residents of Jackson,” he said.

Councilman Scott Martin supported Calogero’s comments and said he thinks residents seeking a position on a board should undergo a background check.

“Because they are serving the township, they are serving your best interests, and we want to make sure everybody is impartially voting,” he said.

Martin said after the meeting that he has known Najarian for more than 10 years and that he grew up with Schuster. He said Najarian will be an asset to the zoning board since he brings a wealth of knowledge to the position.

Najarian has lived in Jackson since 1993. He served on the zoning board from 1995 to 2003, including time spent as chairman, and again in 2006. He served on the Rent Leveling Board from 1995 to 2007.

“I think (Najarian) will do a great job on the zoning board and bring a unique perspective,” Martin said.

Schuster is a lifelong resident of Jackson, according to the councilman, who said, “You are talking about two individuals who genuinely care about the well-being of the town and I have every confidence they will do a great job.”