Complex renamed after former North Brunswick mayor

NORTH BRUNSWICK – Elected officials and dignitaries from throughout Middlesex County gathered at the North Brunswick Senior Housing Complex to rename it in honor of a former mayor.

The North Brunswick Housing Corporation renamed the facility, located at 740 Hermann Road, the “Paul J. Matacera Senior Apartments at North Brunswick” to honor Matacera, a 46-year resident of the township and former mayor for 18 years.

“We are here today to honor one of North Brunswick’s most dedicated and tireless public servants – Mayor Paul Matacera,” said current Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack. “For anyone that truly knows Paul fully understands that he has North Brunswick flowing through his veins. A 46-year resident and mayor for 18 years it is difficult, if not impossible, to find someone that has more selflessly served this community.”

Matacera’s mayoralty led to his membership in the New Jersey League of Municipalities, where he rose to its presidency and currently serves on its Executive Board. He also served on the board of the New Jersey Conference of Mayors. He is a fellow of Leadership New Jersey, Class of 1990. He is a graduate of Hofstra University.

“This event is a historic moment in the life of North Brunswick Township and is a ‘magic moment’ in my life and in the lives of my wife, Marylynn, my daughters and their families,” Matacera said in a statement prepared by the township. “I must confess, I have experienced a surge of pride each time I have driven down Hermann Road over these past 20 years knowing that the idea I had a quarter century ago has provided pleasant, safe and affordable housing for so many of our township senior citizens.”

The idea of building the North Brunswick Senior Housing Complex was born in 1992 while Matacera was mayor. Bringing together various stakeholders, Matacera, together with his co-workers and colleagues, were able to pull together $14 million in funding from the Middlesex County Improvement Authority (MCIA) and the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA) to build the 150-unit senior facility, according to the statement.

By May 1996, the first resident moved into the North Brunswick Senior Housing Complex and since then, more than 600 residents have resided at the housing complex. Today, there are more than 165 residents current living at the facility at any given time, with a nine-month waiting list, according to officials.

“I cannot imagine a greater joy than this. I cannot image a higher honor or a more pleasant and unexpected surprise than to be immortalized with my name associated with a facility that has become and will remain such a warmly welcomed addition to our township. It is, in every respect, a moment in time that will live on in my memory for the rest of my life. I thank all of you,” Matacera said in the statement.