Reader blames Democrats for high taxes

I totally agree with Mark Klein (“What does it take to lower taxes in Monroe? Sentinel, Oct. 11) that the state drastically underfunds public school districts.

The liberal Supreme Court in New Jersey consistently rules to give the 31 Abbott districts the bulk of state aid, leaving crumbs for the rest. Mark asks how to lower property taxes. The answer is painfully clear. Don’t elect Democrats. Governor wannabe Phil Murphy is totally bought and sold by the New Jersey Education Association, as are most of the Democrat politicians.

Remember, this union spent more than $12 million in anti-Christie political ads during his two runs for governor. Your tax dollars go to pay the 70 percent of your property taxes that support the public school cartel. A portion of those tax dollars are used by the union in the form of dues to further their agenda.

Mark says they tried to get help from Sen. Linda Greenstein, Assemblyman Dan Benson and Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo and they could not do anything to help. No wonder, they’re all Democrats. Remember “We’re going to fight for a fair contract” Jon Corzine? Phil Murphy is a Corzine clone. If he’s elected, get the flying pigs ready.

Before I have to hear from the usual suspects whining that I should move if I don’t like it, let me explain. My family has resided in East Brunswick since the 1920s. I think we paid our fair share of property taxes, so, carpetbaggers need not respond.

Walter Goldeski
East Brunswick