Indivisible of Monroe welcomes speaker on social change

MONROE – Indivisible of Monroe Township members were schooled in the art of social action by Douglas Johnston, a life-long consumer advocate and former Kansas State legislator.

Johnston, who has dedicated his life to helping consumers and companies organize to effect change in governmental policies, conducted a workshop for the group on Oct. 10 at the Monroe Township Firehouse. The event was sponsored by Hands Off Healthcare New Jersey, a public affairs campaign to protect the health reserve funds at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, the state’s largest health insurer.

Johnston stressed the importance of making change happen by identifying and understanding problems and potential solutions and setting realistic goals, all basic elements of direct action organizing, according to information provided by Indivisible of Monroe. The five-hour session included brainstorming to devise strategies and tactics, mobilize constituents and allies and work with coalitions to deliver results.

Indivisible of Monroe Township is a non-partisan, grassroots activist organization, one of 6,000 affiliates nationwide. Its mission is to promote a progressive agenda and ideals and to effect change through legislative advocacy, education and community outreach.

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