Newbury pupils raise money to aid Puerto Rico

HOWELL – The pupils in Lisa Oliver’s fifth grade Project GOAL (Great Opportunities for Advanced Learning) class at the Newbury School wanted to make a difference. They watched the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Irma on the news and approached their teacher with a desire to make an impact.

With that in mind, the children researched a charity, created a business plan and set a goal, according to a press release.

The students selected United for Puerto Rico, a charity set up and founded by Puerto Rico’s first lady. Then they created a business plan with the goal of making as much profit as possible without needing to spend money on materials. The children decided to sell custom made origami, according to the press release.

The students created origami pieces at home over a weekend and in their free time and then went to the school lunchroom with a business model. Their fellow pupils could choose from single pieces to custom two for $5 baskets of origami.

The pupils created origami stars, necklaces and even enlisted their art teacher, Donna Gaszynski, to help create custom origami earrings. Finally, they set their goal at $500, according to the press release.

After two days, the students shattered their goal of $500 and readjusted it to $700, then to $1,000. At the end of one week, the students had raised $1,372.

According to the press release, Oliver has always taught her students that part of their work is to leave their “footprint” and the money raised for Puerto Rico has been a great example of that philosophy.