Edison resident supports mayoral and Board of Education candidates

We are on the verge of making history in small-town America, Edison, a one-party town, if and only if we reject party labels and vote: Keith Hahn for Mayor.

As I see it, Mayor Tom Lankey in his four-year tenure has failed to take a leadership role in some of the most crucially important issues for our town — the extreme overcrowding in our schools and the underlying issue of zoning. With hundreds of new students crammed essentially into existing spaces, we can expect a downward spiral in education affecting everything else the township boasts about. Further, the recent arrest of a police officer has once again amply demonstrated that the vetting process needs radical reform including a civil service test for new recruits as opposed to an in-house test.

After talking to the two candidates for mayor, and examining their records, it appears to me that not only has Keith Hahn exhibited a capacity to work with all parties, but a deep commitment to take a leadership role regards the “overcrowding crisis” facing our schools, as well as zoning and police reform. A vote for Keith Hahn is a vote for a better Edison.

A related issue. Over the years, the township has been fortunate that that several caring, selfless individuals have served on the Board of Education — my late friend Gene Maeroff set the bar high indeed. This year is no exception. We have a deep-bench of highly qualified candidates. Once again, after listening to the candidates (at least those that showed up at get-to-know-your-candidate meetings), perusing their qualifications, and most importantly, their commitment of time to responsibly carry out their duties, I fully and unequivocally support the ETEA (Edison Township Education Association) choices: William Araujo, Carol Bodofsky, Elizabeth Conway and Beth Moroney. They bring to the board a diversity of gifts, a history of accomplishments, an abiding interest in public education, and a commitment of time to meet their obligations.

One final point. I am troubled by the recent creation of a paid position by Mayor Tom Lankey — a “liaison” for constituent services. It appears to be a brazen act of paid-for identity-politics. Let us reject identity-politics and elect Keith Hahn for mayor.

Mervyn D’Souza

Edison resident