Former mayor supports Board of Education candidates

Carol Bodofsky and Elizabeth Conway are two highly qualified residents of our township running for positions on the Edison Board of Education. Each has lived in town for more than 30 years; each has devoted years to volunteering their time to such organizations as the PTA (Parent Teacher Association), Girl Scouts, sports organizations, etc.; each has had their children educated in our public school system and each has educated our children in their classrooms.

As concerned residents of Edison they have attended Board of Education meetings for years and have voiced their opinions at open meetings with clarity and civility. They listen politely and ask intelligent, thoughtful questions always with one thought in mind, how do we best serve Edison’s students.

Carol and Elizabeth are now retired and together, with full support of their husbands and children, decided to continue to serve the district in yet another capacity. As School Board members their expertise as parents, as teachers and as taxpayers in our municipality is invaluable. They have the ability to view all sides of many issues and the skill set to explain, in cogent terms, the most productive measures to ensure our children’s education while always being mindful of the responsibility to the taxpayers.

“Nothing Less than Excellence” in education is not just a motto but a mission that Carol and Elizabeth have lived every day since becoming teachers. Their hard work and caring attitude have extended beyond their classrooms. It reached every corner of the schools in which they taught, every school in the district and every parent and child who needed someone to be their voice of reason.

It is for these and many other reasons that I support the candidacies of Carol Bodofsky and Elizabeth Conway in their quest to be seated as members of the Edison Township School Board.

Antonia Ricigliano

Former Edison mayor and resident