Rabbis to participate in panel discussion Nov. 12

“T’filah, Prayer – Speaking to G-d in Our Special Way” will be the subject of a panel discussion from 2-4 p.m. Nov. 12 at the East Brunswick Library, Civic Center Drive, as part of the 2017 Global Day of Jewish Learning.

The program is presented by Congregation Beth Ohr of Old Bridge under the auspices of Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey.

The panel will be comprised of three East Brunswick rabbis: Efrayim Unterman of Young Israel, Jeffrey Pivo of East Brunswick Jewish Center, and Eric Eisenkramer of B’nai Shalom. Rabbi Joel Mishkin of Congregation Beth Ohr will be the moderator.

All are invited to attend. There is no charge.

Coffee and cake will be served following the program.