Skunk found in Kendall Park tests positive for rabies

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – A rabid skunk was found in the Kendall Park section of South Brunswick.

On Oct. 17, the South Brunswick Health Department was notified by the New Jersey State Health Department that a skunk submitted for testing did test positive for rabies.

This skunk was found in the vicinity of Langley Road in Kendall Park on Oct. 14, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Police Department.

Residents should report wild animals showing signs of unusual behavior to the police department. Additionally, it is recommended that residents should avoid contact with wild animals and immediately report any bites from wild or domestic animals to your local health department and consult a physician as soon as possible. Finally, be sure that all family pets are up to date on their rabies vaccinations and licenses.

Immediately report any bite from wildlife as well from domestic pets to the South Brunswick Health Department at 732-329-4000 ext. 7237 or Animal Control at 732-329-4000, ext. 7265 during business hours. After hours, contact the South Brunswick Police 732-329-4646.