Nov. 28 concert to recall historic vote

More than 80 singers from Neve Shalom, Edison, Temple Sinai in Summit and Mercaz Jewish Choir, Central New Jersey, will sing historic songs from Israel at 7 p.m. Nov. 28 at Neve Shalom, 250 Grove Avenue, Metuchen.

The concert will recognize the day, 70 years ago, when the United Nations took a vote which allowed the state of Israel to be declared that following spring. Jews around the world huddled close to their radios in 1947 to hear how each country would vote.

The event will feature short videos of the actual vote, brief interviews with political leaders of that time and dancing in the streets of Israel. Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey is co-sponsoring the event and light refreshments will be served following the hour long program.

The event’s guest soloist will be Cantor Marina Shemesh of Temple Sinai. She will sing the prayer for the state of Israel and the cantorial piece “Shomer Yisrael” (Guardian of Israel).