Veteran cites Senator Beck’s efforts

Dear Editor,

Monmouth County has a long and rich history of supporting our veterans.
Senator Beck has been one of the most supportive of our elected officials
in expanding veterans’ housing, fighting for veterans benefits in Trenton,
and keeping the Veteran community informed about their benefits.

Senator Beck is committed to our veterans and her support is unwavering. I watch carefully the interaction of our elected officials with our veterans to see if
they really care. I can assure you Senator Beck genuinely cares about our
Veterans and their families.

An example of her commitment to our veterans is the collaboration
between Senator Beck, Freeholder Burry, and Mayor Turning from Tinton
Falls on the Soldier On Project. Working tirelessly with the leadership of
Soldier On to create a 75 unit Veterans Village in Tinton Falls.

This project will provide comprehensive care and housing for our homeless veterans.

As a result of Senator Beck’s efforts, our county’s estimated 30 homeless
veterans will be given first priority in Veteran’s Village.

At the State Level Senator Beck sponsored a law enacted this year that
requires a portion of State rental assistance vouchers be reserved to help
struggling veteran’s statewide pay their rent.

Senator Beck supported the enactment of the Veterans Diversion Program
law to divert eligible veterans from the criminal justice system and help
them get the support and mental health treatment they require. The first
program is scheduled for October 28, 2017.

Senator Jennifer Beck is the “Veteran’s Senator” in Monmouth County and
in Trenton.

James S. Sfayer
LtCol USMC Ret.