Boy Scout Troop 501 holds inaugural Court of Honor



Boy Scout Troop 501 is the newest troop for boys in the East Brunswick area. The troop’s inaugural Court of Honor was held on Nov. 2 to swear in the first scoutmaster, Bob Sampson, and to celebrate the achievements of the scouts. Pictured are Sampson, Assistant Scoutmaster Jay Nicholas, Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Pullaro, and scouts Andrew Branco, Manuel Branco, Noah Branco, Adam Cohen, Justin Cooper, James D’Onofrio, Jonathan Lee, Bryce Maher, Jason Nicholas, Lucas Pereira, DJ Pullaro, Kyle Sampson and David Saperstein. A troop meeting will be held for boys from grade 6 to age 18 at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16 at the Masonic Lodge, Old Bridge Turnpike, South River. For more information, email