‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ program in Metuchen Dec. 6

The Metuchen Public Schools and the Metuchen Municipal Alliance will co-sponsor “Hidden in Plain Sight,” an interactive substance abuse awareness and prevention program, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at Edgar Middle School, 49 Brunswick Ave. in Metuchen.

The evening will begin with a light dinner and Teen Development Networking with local agencies at 6:30 p.m., followed by the formal presentation.

The program, led by Special Agent Timothy P. McMahon, displays a typical teenage bedroom and encourages participants to browse where and how teens might hide drugs or paraphernalia. The message of the program is that substance abuse affects everyone, and it’s imperative to be prepared. The presentation will provide the tools so one can intervene early and act.

The program is open to everyone over 21 years old, all interested adults, parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, those who work with youth. Representatives from local agencies will be on hand to share information and their expertise on child/teen development, anxiety and other pertinent issues.

“Hidden in Plain Sight” is made possible through funding received by the Middlesex County Office of Human Services and the New Jersey Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA).For more information, contact Judi Cheung at 732-321-8720 or [email protected].