Democrats rule in Woodbridge election

WOODBRIDGE — Incumbents overwhelmingly prevailed in the Township Council and Board of Education races in the Nov. 7 election.

Ward 1: Democratic Incumbent Nancy Bader Drumm garnered 2,991 votes to win her second term on the Township Council.

Republican Candidate Lori Vernachio Greiza received 993 votes in her losing bid for her first term.

During the campaign, Drumm said her experience, both professionally and personally, have led her to be best suited for the position of councilwoman for the First Ward in Woodbridge Township.

Ward 2: Newcomer Harold “Howie” Bauer, a Democrat, garnered 2,436 votes to win his first term on the Township Council.

Republican candidate Paul Lund received 885 votes in his losing bid for his first term.

Long-time Ward 2 Councilman Rick Dalina did not seek reelection.

During the campaign, Bauer said he will work hard to be responsive to the needs of the residents, listen to all views and uphold the community’s best interest. He said he would like to work with the youth of the community.

Ward 3: Democratic Incumbent Cory Spillar garnered 2,330 votes to win his second term on the Township Council.

Republican candidate Kevin Garcia received 822 votes in his losing bid for his first term.

During the campaign, Spillar said one area he is heavily involved in on the council is redevelopment as he sits on the Redevelopment Agency as a commissioner.

Spillar said it’s important to remove vacant or unfit properties and improve conditions of those areas and bring jobs into the township.

Ward 4: Democratic Candidate Virbhadra N. “Viru” Patel garnered 2,239 votes to win his first elected term on the Township Council.

Republican Candidate Paul Danielczyk received 1,272 votes in his losing bid for his first term.

During the campaign, Patel said his specialty is engineering and infrastructure. He said he will continue to work with Mayor John E. McCormac and his team to move forward the infrastructure improvements in the township.

Ward 5: Democratic Incumbent Debbie Meehan garnered 3,536 votes to win her second term on the Township Council.

Republican Candidate Rocco Genova received 1,238 votes in his losing bid for his first term.

During the campaign, Meehan said one area that she has become passionate about is the opioid and heroin epidemic that has rapidly invaded the community. She said the township has been aggressive in the war against the crisis with the implementation of programs and she said she would like to continue moving forward with the programs in hopes to combat the problem.

In the Board of Education race, Incumbent Brian Molnar, who will serve his fifth term, garnered the most votes with 8,977 votes, Incumbent Marie Anderson, who will serve her second term, followed with 8,904 votes and Incumbent Frank DellaPietro III, who will serve his third term, received 5,739 votes.

Newcomer Thomas E. Maras received 5,203 votes in his losing bid for his first term on the board.

During the campaign, Anderson said she would like to continue to work expanding the district’s technology capacity to prepare the students for the modern business world.

DellaPietro said he would focus on making sure the district’s school children are safe at school.

Molnar said he would like to build upon the accomplishments of the past years and work with the Guidance Departments to make sure the students are receiving all the information and opportunities they need to make college choice and career choices.