Residents of Morgan section of Sayreville invited to discuss planning study

SAYREVILLE – The Rutgers University Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy will hold a presentation on the Morgan section of Sayreville as part of a study that was conducted to help improve the area.

The presentation will take place on Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Morgan First Aid Squad, 1960 Route 35, Sayreville.

Rutgers University students have been conducting a study on Morgan with the Morgan Community Alliance to analyze vacancies, zoning and potentially improving the area, as well as demonstrate what suggested improvements to Morgan are realistic. The study has included potential strategies to improve land use, transportation and business opportunities.

The Dec. 12 event will be Rutgers’ final presentation, according to Denise Morgan of the Morgan Community Alliance.

According to Borough Councilman Steven Grillo, the Morgan Community Alliance began last September with a town hall meeting to discuss what could be done to improve Morgan, which has many vacant buildings. He estimated that 65-70 people came to the meeting and quality of life issues were brought up.

The councilman described the Morgan Community Alliance as a community group looking for short-term quality of life improvements and long-term planning improvements. Much of the group’s focus, he explained, is on reducing vacancies in the area, and group members look at what is causing the vacancies and how the area can be improved.

Work on Morgan’s marketing and discussing what will attract more businesses to the area is one of the Morgan Community Alliance’s efforts to reduce vacancies, according to Grillo.

Grillo credited the group, which recently celebrated its one year anniversary, with bringing Rutgers to the area.

“Rutgers would have never come in if it wasn’t for the Morgan Community Alliance,” he said.