South Brunswick resident named president of Old Barracks Association

A South Brunswick resident has been elected president of the Old Barracks Association.

John G. O’Sullivan, of Monmouth Junction, and his wife Jacqueline have been members of the association for more than 16 years.

The Old Barracks was built in 1758 to house British troops sent to fight in the French and Indian War. The Barracks is also linked to George Washington’s infamous Christmas Battle of Trenton. It was then where where General Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River and attacked the Hessian  troops during the War of Independence.

“The Old Barracks Museum stands for the teaching and preservation of Colonial history during the Revolutionary time in New Jersey history. Over 11,800 students and over 6,000 other guests, including several hundred foreign nationals, visited the Old Barracks last year,” O’Sullivan said in a statement prepared by the association after the 115th membership meeting in Trenton.

“The programs at the Barracks continue to evolve and grow,” O’Sullivan continued.  “For example, in 2017 we partnered with the Nicky Fifth Foundation to provide scholarships to our annual summer camp, which enabled many Trenton children to learn from history.”