
Monroe scout creates wheelchair-accessible nature trail

A wheelchair accessible Nature Trail for Academy Learning Center (ALC) students has been completed courtesy of Greg Braun, a Monroe Township High School junior.

Greg coordinated efforts with his fellow Boy Scout Troop 3 members and ALC staff, and secured donations to construct the project to demonstrate his leadership skills in his effort to become an Eagle Scout.

Greg had read an article where an ALC student expressed his enjoyment of outdoor activities, according to information provided by ALC. He contacted ALC Principal Erik Solberg, and within a year the Nature Trail was a reality, located on school property behind the facility in Piscataway.

The Nature Trail includes a wheelchair friendly path, signs with nature facts, a bark board, birdhouses, a bug garden and benches.

The ALC offers two separate programs for students ages 3-21 with autism spectrum disorders and multiple disabilities.