Playhouse 22 launches new coffeehouse series Jan. 24

Playhouse 22 has launched a new monthly coffeehouse series presenting original works by local playwrights.
“Interviewese,” written by Ian August and directed by Jon Heron, is an absurdist comedy about four women interviewing for a job and how women can find themselves in desperate situations and be forced to compete with each other. It will feature Donne Petito, Jennifer Moffett, Jean Habrukowich and Mary Kate Bozinta.
The January presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 24 in the Studio Theater at Playhouse 22, at the Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.
The performance will be for mature audiences only.
Following the performance, guests will be invited to attend a discussion about the piece with the playwright, the director,and the cast.
Complimentary coffee and desserts will be provided.
Tickets are free; however, a suggested donation of $5 is recommended.
To sign up to attend, visit or call the Box Office at 732-254-3939.