Professionals and volunteers appointed in Manalapan

MANALAPAN – Dozens of residents who stepped up to serve the community have been appointed to the volunteer boards and commissions that will address multiple issues in Manalapan during the year.

The members of the Township Committee made the appointments during their annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 5. Officials also hired professionals who will work for Manalapan in a variety of capacities during 2018.

The professionals include the appointment of Peter Van den Kooy as township planner, Robert S. Oliwa as township auditor, Susan L. Solda DeSimone as municipal prosecutor, John F. Kwasnik as municipal public defender, Shari Spero as arborist/certified tree expert, Andrew Bayer as special counsel for affordable housing, and Matthew J. O’Donnell as special counsel for tax appeals.

Two Democrats who ran for seats on the Township Committee in 2017 and lost to Republicans Susan Cohen and Jack McNaboe were appointed to municipal boards for 2018. Adam Weiss was appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Amelia Rendeiro was appointed to the Manalapan Arts Council and to the Utilities Committee.

Named with Weiss to the zoning board were Mollie Kamen, Eliot Lilien, Eric Nelson, Terry Rosenthal, Mary Anne Byan and David Schertz.

Named with Rendeiro to the Utilities Committee were Joseph Cangialosi, Gary Case, Larry Cooper, David Davidowitz, Jack Feinstein, Patrick Hughes and Ken Oexmann.

The Manalapan Arts Council (MAC) is the board that organizes the annual Manalapan Day community celebration and is one municipal panel that traditionally draws many volunteers.

Named to the MAC for 2018 were EvaJo Alvarez, Laura Carlisi, Diana Cochran, Eli Cohen, Erik Cohen, Daria D’Agostino, Kathleen Donohue, Kaleigh Donohue, Judith Drucker, Teresa Erlitz, Marty Gelfond, Jeff Glanzer, Tommy Gordon, Barry Jacobson, Eliot Lilien, Andrew McPherson, David Michael, Bridgett Oberhuber, Joseph Oberhuber, Andrew Pisani, Andrew Pisani Jr., Bianca Pisani, Amelia Rendeiro, Adam Scovill, Linda Steele and Beatrice Truscelli.

Township Committeeman David Kane was appointed by his fellow members of the governing body to serve on the Planning Board for 2018. Other appointments to the Planning Board are Mayor Jack McNaboe, Richard Hogan, Todd Brown, Alan Ginsberg, Barry Fisher (alternate 1) and Steve Kastell (alternate 2).

Lynn Becker, Warren Carter, Patricia Gleim, Sue Goulden, Ellen Hoffman, James O’Rourke, Dotty Porcaro, Sheila Sasnow and Traci Silver were appointed to the Special Needs Council.

Marcie Stillman, Dianne Martin and Caren Chacko were named advisers to the Teen Leadership Committee. Appointed to the committee were Christopher Mintrone, Grace DPalermo, John Vento, Ben Servetah, Emily Giuca and Ben Stillman.

Municipal officials appointed Stephen Resnick, Pat Eisemann, Scott Meyers and Gayle Hershcopf (alternate 1) to the Environmental Commission and named Jenine Tankoos to once again serve as the commission’s presiding officer and chairwoman.

Volunteers who will focus their attention on Manalapan’s older adult population were named to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. The appointees are Bea Bleier, Ayesha Chaudary, Bella Ciccia, Helene Cohen, Thomas D. Fisher, Annamae Frenkiel, Bennet Gold, Janet Gray, Julia Grinshpoon, Andrea Levine, Dorothea Manaro, Gail McCormack, Beth Newman, Ira Newman, Ruth (Barbara) O’Rourke, Ellen Silverman, Linda Steele, Judith Tendler and Mary Zydel.

Township Administrator Tara Lovrich, Larry Cooper, Dr. Jason Nudelman and Steven Metz were appointed to the Economic Development Council. They will be joined by Deputy Mayor Susan Cohen or by Township Committeeman Kevin Uniglicht.

“We are fortunate that we have so many residents who volunteer and give of their time. Thank you to those who are back and to those who are new,” Cohen said.

Finally, the members of the governing body reappointed four special law enforcement officers (SLEO) in the Manalapan Police Department.

The SLEOs are former Manalapan Police Chief Christopher Marsala, who is a special Class III officer specifically authorized to work in schools; and special Class II officers Andrew Lopez, Scott Rindsberg and Mantas Stanionis, who have full police powers, including the use of firearms, when they are on duty.