FREEHOLD – Contracts for professional services that will be provided to Freehold Borough in 2018 have been authorized by the Borough Council.
Council members authorized the contracts during the governing body’s reorganization meeting on Jan. 7. According to resolutions passed by the council, each contract may or will exceed $17,500, as certified by the purchasing agent.
• For legal services, the council authorized a contract with Kerry Higgins of McKenna, DuPont, Higgins & Stone.
• For engineering services, the council authorized a contract with William Wentzien of Abbington Engineering, LLC.
• For consulting engineering services with utilities, the council authorized a contract with Mott MacDonald.
• For auditing services, the council authorized a contract with Suplee, Clooney & Company.
• For architectural services, the council authorized a contract with DMR Architects.
• For financial adviser services, the council authorized a contract with NW Financial Group.
The contracts with Higgins, Wentzien, Mott MacDonald, DMR Architects and NW Financial Group were approved by council President Sharon Shutzer and council members Michael DiBenedetto, George Schnurr, Kevin Kane, Jaye Sims and Ron Griffiths. Schnurr abstained from voting on the contract with Suplee, Clooney & Company due to a conflict and the five remaining council members voted in the affirmative.