Metuchen school board seeks counsel

METUCHEN — The first thing on the agenda for the Board of Education — find new board counsel.

Board President Dan Benderly said with Jonathan Busch becoming mayor of the borough in December, Busch discussed with the board that it is best for him to resign his post as board counsel, which was finalized at the reorganization meeting on Jan. 2.

The board has started the process to seek new counsel, which will occur in the next 60 to 80 days.

As for any matters that Busch’s law firm, The Busch Law Group, LLC, handles for the board in the future, Busch said he would not be involved in the matters.

“I’m sorry that he cannot continue as counsel,” Benderly said, adding that he was happy for Busch in his new role as mayor.

At the reorganization meeting, Benderly, who is starting his fourth term, Ben Small, who is starting his second term, and newcomer Brian Glassberg were sworn in to the board by Schools Business Administrator Michael Harvier.

In the November election, Benderly, Small and Glassberg ran uncontested for the three three-year seats available in the election.

Benderly was nominated to serve another term as board president and board member Merrill Lunt was nominated to serve as vice board president.

Benderly said he thanked the board for their support, confidence and trust for his leadership.

“I look forward to a positive and productive year in 2018,” he said.